Thursday, January 22, 2009


What is the solution of the global warming.

There are many ways to us to reduce the globalwarming can we do. Firstly,we should do Responsible Choices. The choices we make and the products we buy test our commitment to maintain a healthy planet. When we burn fossil fuels—such as oil, coal, and natural gas—to run our cars and light our homes, we pump carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air. This thickens the heat-trapping blanket that surrounds the planet, causing global warming. Choosing modern technology can reduce our use of fossil fuels and help protect the planet. These ten steps will help curb global warming, save you money, and create a safer environment for the future. Web also can reduce and resolve the globalwarming with Drive Smart. A well-tuned car with properly inflated tires burns less gasoline—cutting pollution and saving you money at the pump. If you have two cars, drive the one with better gas mileage whenever possible. Better yet, skip the drive and take public transit, walk, or bicycle when you can.The next solution of globalwarming is Support clean, renewable energy. Renewable energy solutions, such as wind and solar power, can reduce our reliance on coal-burning power plants, the largest source of global warming pollution in the United States. Call your local utility and sign up for renewable energy. If they don't offer it, ask them why not? Also, support a national renewable electricity standard (RES). The Energy Bill signed in 2007 lacked key components that address our energy security and global warming emissions: a renewable electricity standard of 15 percent by 2020 and a tax package that will provide investment incentives for clean energy alternatives. Use our action center to urge your members of congress to support the renewable electricity standard and tax package!

We also can replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs.
Especially those that burn the longest each day. Compact fluorescents produce the same amount of light as normal bulbs, but use about a quarter of the electricity and last ten times as long. Each switch we make helps clean the air today, curb global warming, and save our money on our electricity bill.Become a smart water consumer. Install low-flow showerheads and faucets and we'll use half the water without decreasing performance. Then turn our hot water heater down to 120°F and see hot-water costs go down by as much as 50 percent.We also can buy energy-efficient electronics and appliances.Replacing an old refrigerator or an air conditioner with an energy-efficient model will save our money on your electricity bill and cut global warming pollution. Plant a Tree, protect a forest can protecting forests is a big step on the road to curbing global warming. Trees "breathe in" carbon dioxide, but slash-and-burn farming practices, intensive livestock production, and logging have destroyed 90 percent of the native forests in the United States. And we can take action in our own backyard—planting shade trees around our house will absorb CO2, and slash our summer air-conditioning bills.

As a user we can reduce, reuse and recycle the things that we used such as
producing new paper, glass, and metal products from recycled materials saves 70 to 90 percent of the energy and pollution, including CO2, that would result if the product came from virgin materials. Recycling a stack of newspapers only four feet high will save a good-sized tree. Please... buy recycled products!



The causes of the accumulation of heat- trapping gases are complex and less well defined than is commonly recognized. The primary cause is generally accepted to be the Industrial Revolution, with its heavy reliance on fossil fuels as a source of energy.
Deforestation has also, more recently been recognized as a contributing cause , with the potential for adding substantially to the total atmospheric burden of carbon dioxide adnd methane if the remaining forest are destroyed globally. A third source of additional carbon dioxide and methane for the atmosphere is the simulation of respiration including the respiration or organic matter in soils, by the warming itself.
The important of this latter effects is great enough to speed the warming appreciably. Its important is a function of the amount of carbon held in terrestrial ecosystem , especially forest and the effects of the climatic changes on those ecosystem.


Cities, hydro-power, irrigated, agriculture, shipping, the various, uses of waterways, fish and fisheries, dilution, and treatment of sewage and the circulation of coastal and oceanic water are all dependent on flows of fresh water from the land. The relationship are at once simple and complex like power production at Bonnevville Dam is obviously dependent on a continued flow in the Colombia River but the various rich fisheries of the Rio Negro and the Amazon are not as obviously dependent on the the massive seasonal pulse of water that flood the varzea forest to a depth of 10 metres for week.
Prediction of surface run-off are vulnerable to the same uncertainties that afflict other aspects of the effects of a continuous warming of the earth. Within narrow limits, perhaps within a warming of 1-2 C for the Earth as a whole , general patterns seem clear. Beyond that range uncertainly dominates. Meanwhile, long-term commitment to expensive projects that require current patterns of precipitation to continue become immediately questionable. Irrigation, or other water supply project, that might normally be expected to have useful lives of several decades to acentury or more, may well fall victim to changing patters of precipitation in years to adecade or so.


The scientists conclude, on the of climatic, that in the absence of efforts to cut greenhouse- gas emissions, sea level will rise by between 10 and 30 cm by the year 2030 and by to 100 cm by the end of next century.
aThis rise is the products of thermal expansion of sea water and the melting of glaciers, with the effects of the Greenland and Atlantic ice-sheets expected to be small over the next century. Other scientists take a less sanguine view of the prospects of a minimal contribution from the Antarctic over such a period and the stakes here are high .
The predicted increase in sea- level is 2 to 6 times more rapidly than historical rate over the last century which 10-15 cm rise. The directs effects are recession of shorelines and wetland, increase tidal range and estuarine salt-front intrusion, and an increase in salt water contamination of coastal fresh water acquifers , all have profound mplications for human society, especially in the many coastal areas that are densely populated.



The effects of
global warming on the environment and human life are numerous and varied. Scenarios studied by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predict that global warming will continue and get worse much faster than was expected even in their last report. The IPCC reports attribute many specific natural phenomena to human causes. The expected long range effects of recent climate change may already be observed. Rising sea levels, glacier retreat, Arctic shrinkage, and altered patterns of agriculture are cited as direct consequences of human activities. Predictions for secondary and regional effects include extreme weather events, an expansion of tropical diseases, changes in the timing of seasonal patterns in ecosystems, and drastic economic impact. Concerns have led to political activism advocating proposals to mitigate, eliminate, or adapt to it.


Increasing temperature is likely to lead to increasing precipitation but the effects on storms are less clear. Extratropical storms partly depend on the temperature gradient, which is predicted to weaken in the northern hemisphere as the polar region warms more than the rest of the hemisphere. Storm strength leading to extreme weather is increasing, such as the power dissipation index of hurricane intensity. Hurricane modeling has produced similar results, finding that hurricanes, simulated under warmer, high-CO2 conditions, are more intense, however, hurricane frequency will be reduced.
Worldwide, the proportion of hurricanes reaching categories 4 or 5 – with wind speeds above 56 metres per second has risen from 20% in the 1970s to 35% in the 1990s. Some studies have found that the increase in sea surface temperature may be offset by an increase in wind shear, leading to little or no change in hurricane activity. Increases in catastrophes resulting from extreme weather are mainly caused by increasing population densities, and anticipated future increases are similarly dominated by societal change rather than climate change.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Global warming is caused by several things, which include man-made or anthropogenic causes, and global warming is also caused by natural causes.

Natural causes are causes that are created by nature. One natural cause is a release of methane gas from arctic tundra and wetlands. Methane is a greenhouse gas and a very dangerous gas to our environment. A greenhouse gas is a gas that traps heat in the earth's atmosphere. Another natural cause is that the earth goes through a cycle of climate change. This climate change usually lasts about 40,000 years.

Recently, scientists have recently discovered that it is not greenhouse gasses that cause global warming but nature itself that contributes to the phenomenon that is global warming. A report on Fox News says that the gasses that trees produce combined with the waste in the soil and the hydrogen in the water rise up into the atmosphere therefore heating the planet. The report has been proven credible as thousands of members of the science industry came to discuss plans to stop global warming forever.


Welcome to our blog “ the nature of global warming”. We have 4 members for discuss and produce this blog to our English class and also to extend more knowledge and information about global warming treat. We are, Hafizi Mat Salleh, as a leader, Haslinur Md Din and the other members are Siti Haslina and Nurul Shuhada Alias.

Before we start, our discussion about 4 question, which are already agreement from all members, we are excited to wish thank a lot for our madam, Pn.Hafizah, she has give permission to our group so that taken those topic in our blog. She has a new hope so that, we can brought those topic with more details. How we got those topic ? Why we were excited and suggested to do this topic?..ok..let me show you all, how we were got those topic!!!! more time…our leader..gave the first suggestion so that we were discuss about global warming…but.. other members..Siti Haslina not agree with those topic..because she already know about obesity..obesity?why obesity?..depend on her, obesity is a good topic to discuss because have many benefit and she want we were try to did about “ overweight and obesity among Malaysian. From the article, we found those overweight and obesity among Malaysian need urgent attention again public ignorance on the problem.

Adult obesity in Malaysia from 1996- 2006 had more than tripled with out of every 10 Malaysian above 18 years of age era now being either overweight or obese...But we took one week to compared which topic we have to choose. After that???what’s up? leader gave his instruction to us, so that found both of topic and if each one have more detail information and more latest issues, we must choose those….after one week, we have a meeting at ptsl . we gave all information, which are already found each other. How?what happened??..last but not least..we still choose global warming issues..

For the short term, why we so interested with global warming topic???.. because..measurements of temperature taken by instruments all over the world, on land and at sea have revealed that during the 20th century the Earth’s surface and lowest part of the atmosphere warmed up on average by about 0.6°C. During this period, man-made emissions of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have increased, largely as a result of the burning of fossil fuels for energy and transportation, and so warming is now considered most probably to be due to the increases in greenhouse gas emissions and concurrent increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, which have enhanced the Earth's natural greenhouse effect. If the climate changes as current computer models have projected, global average surface temperature could be anywhere from 1.4 to 5.8°C higher by the end of the 21st century than in 1990,to put this temperature change into context, the increase in global average surface temperature which brought the Earth out of the last major ice age 14,000 years ago was of the order of 4 to 5°C.

Very interesting right?…to be continue…


Nowaday, global warming very popular issue because this problem can give effect for human, environment and other. Global warming is the increase the average temperature in the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during 100 years ending in 2005. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that most of the temperature increase since the mid-twentieth century is "very likely" due to the increase anthrophogenic greenhouse gas concentrations. Natural phenomena such as solar variation and volcanoes probably had a small warming effect from pre-industrial times to 1950 and a small cooling effect from 1950 onward. These basic conclusions have been endorsed by at least 30 scientific societies and academies of science, including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries.

Climate model projections indicate that global surface temperature will likely rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during the twenty-first century. The uncertainty in this estimate arises from use of differing estimates of future greenhouse gas emissions and from use of models with differing climate sensitivity. Another uncertainty is how warming and related changes will vary from region to region around the globe. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100, warming is expected to continue for more than a thousand years even if greenhouse gas levels are stabilized. This results from the large heat capacity of the oceans.

Increasing global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, likely including an expanse of the subtropical desert regions. Other likely effects include increases in the intensity of extreme weather events, changes in agricultural yields, modifications of trade routes, glacier retreat, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Political and public debate continues regarding what, if any, action should be taken to reduce or reverse future warming or to adapt to its expected consequences.